GetFunky Members
Disciples of Funk
- HogtieWillie
- Sagron
- O'Holy Hedonn
- El Cheese
- azumarill
- JD, the Blessed Hobbit
- Juan
- Daja
- Jeff
- Mynamejef
GetFunky Unofficial Members
- Cyficowley
- Gorf
- Manfredsdefiance
- the entire population of Namibia
- Keanu Reeves
- Kanye West
- Vennu Mallesh
- Gary Johnson
- Tai Lopez
- Correll B
- VisHal SHaRMA
- Baye Cheikh Mbaye
- Hershey "Fastest Hotdog Shooter in the Northwest" Wood
- The Kid from Brooklyn
- Boyboy West Coast
- John Mishell (love to paint)
- Doodlebob
- Elpresador
- Dr. Foo
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- beetlejuice
- Ocean's 11
- Rudy Kurniawan